SSS'20 Home Call For Papers Special Lecture


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The 52nd ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications


Instructions for Participants

  • Session rooms on Zoom as well as at Convention Center will be opened at 11:30 am on October 29 and at 9:00 am on October 30.
  • Zoom links for entering the virtual session rooms will be sent to all participants via email by noon on October 28, while Receipt of the registration fee and Abstracts of SSS'20 will be sent by 11:00 am on October 29.
  • A virtual session room for Zoom beginners will be available from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm on October 28. It can be used for any kind of practice.
  • Each online participant should join the Zoom meeting with his/her name and affiliation, i.e., ``Yasumasa FUJISAKI (Osaka Univ.),'' for example. Set Cam off and Mic off unless necessary.

Remarks for on-site participants

  • Check your temperature. If you have a fever and cough and/or if you need to take antipyretic continuously, you will not be allowed to come to the symposium site.
  • Wear a mask at all times indoors and when interacting with others outdoors.
  • Enter buildings and/or rooms after washing or sanitizing your hands.
  • Eating is strictly prohibited in Convention Center.
  • There are a few cafeterias close by Convention Center, though please use them before noon or after 1:30 pm. This is because they are reserved for students during lunchtime. There is a convenience store close by Convention Center.
  • Regarding Wi-Fi service, eduroam is available in Convention Center.

Instructions for Speakers and Chairs

  • The duration of a presentation slot is 20 minutes. In general, this includes 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussions with the audience. Be punctual.
  • All speakers should use Zoom for their presentation. An online speaker should use his/her own PC, while an on-site speaker should use a given PC equipped with ``Windows 10'', ``Office 2019'', and ``Adobe Acrobat Reader DC'' for Zoom presentation.
  • All corresponding authors are required to submit their slide files (less than 30MB / ppt, pptx, or pdf) by noon on October 28. The files are used for on-site presentations as well as in case technical trouble happens. The upload link for the slide submission will be sent to the corresponding authors via email by noon on October 28. Although you can upload your slide file after the deadline, we do not perform preliminary file checking in this case.
  • Chairs should be responsible for their session schedule. They are required to fulfill a form of presentation records after the session. The forms will be sent to the chairs via email by noon on October 28.

Program at a Glance programAtAGlance2020-10-21.pdf (finalized)

Technical Program program2020-10-30.pdf (finalized)